For Stakeholders

Building Strong Partnerships: Empowering Stakeholders in our Mission

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
– Helen Keller

Elected officials, community advocates, and local leaders are vital in combating domestic violence. With their authority comes the responsibility to protect survivors and foster healing, breaking the cycle of abuse. To make informed decisions, it is crucial to have a profound understanding of the facts, trends, and current state of relationship abuse in the United States. Drawing from extensive experience supporting survivors and advocating for their safety, ACADV provides valuable insights to drive political change and create lasting impact.

Stakeholder Resources

Stay informed, connected, and actively involved in our mission to end domestic violence. From educational materials to networking opportunities, we provide valuable tools and support for individuals and organizations dedicated to making a difference.

July 2024 Update

June 2024 Update

May 2024 Update

April 2024 Update

March 2024 Update

February 2024 Update

January 2024 Update

December 2023 Update

October 2023 Update

September 2023 Update
